Training HARM/HACCP Team

The BRC Global Standard requires a multi-disciplinary Hazard and Risk Management (or HACCP) Team to be in place. The Team should have a designated leader with competence and experience of Hazard and Risk Analysis and the Team should be suitably trained in Hazard and Risk Analysis Principles.

Completion of this intensive two day site and product specific Hazard and Risk Management (HACCP) Team Course helps to satisfy these requirements.

The course covers:

  • Background to Hygiene, HACCP, BRC
  • Technical concerns - types of contamination hazards plus consumer safety issues
  • Commercial issues and consequences
  • Company approach to Hazard and Risk Management and HACCP
  • Hazard and Risk Management and HACCP Principles
  • Pre-requisites and Good Hygiene Practices
  • Hazard and Risk Analysis principles and techniques
  • CCP Controls, Monitoring and Corrective Actions
  • Structure and Scope of the BRC/IoP Global Standard
  • Requirements of the Standard
    • Management Commitment
    • Management Systems (including Hazard and Risk Management System)
    • Site Standards - Exterior, Buildings, Security, Equipment, Maintenance, Staff Facilities, Cleaning, Waste Control, Pest Control, Transport and Storage
    • Process Controls (including design, print, inspection, calibration, non-conforming product)
    • Physical Contaminants (foreign bodies - including glass, brittle materials, metal/blades/sharps, wood, etc)
    • Personnel (including access/movement, personal hygiene, medical screening, protective clothing, training)
  • The BRC/IoP Global Standard Certification Process and Implementation in your factory

The course includes visiting the factory areas to discuss hazard analysis and risk assessment in practice and to identify any site/product specific hazards for further discussion.

This course can be run in conjunction with the Designated Manager and Deputy Training, achieving training of the Designated Manager, Deputy, Hazard and Risk Management Team Leader and Team Members in one hit.

There is an optional two hour examination at the end of the course, with certificates awarded to successful candidates. Alternatively attendance certificates can be awarded to all attendees.

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